Coaching Basics

I pledge to ELEVATE you as you begin to REFRAME MINDSET, RENEW SPIRIT, and REGAIN CLARITY. I will partner with you to support you and hold you accountable through your self-discovery and personal growth journey. I will challenge you to discard old, self-defeating patterns and develop new patterns, and will ask difficult questions and bold “asks” designed to spark a growth mindset of possibilities not limitations.
“Man’s mind, once stretched by a new idea, never regains its original dimensions.”
Oliver Wendell Holmes
You are ready to explore coaching. Read below to learn more about my approach to helping you REFRAME MINDSET, RENEW SPIRIT, and REGAIN CLARITY
Go to the Services page for details and to Booking page to schedule your sessions.

“There is freedom waiting for you in the breezes of the sky, and you ask, ‘What if I fall?’ Oh, but ‘What if you fly?’” Erin Hanson
I’m energized to work with you and am committed to your success.
I pledge to be beside you to ELEVATE, motivate, and hold you accountable as you design your path toward growth and change.
In the first session we will discuss objectives you hope to gain through coaching, establish the coach agreement, and begin planning the steps to REFRAME MINDSET, RENEW SPIRIT, and REGAIN CLARITY.
After the introductory session, I will prepare the Coach Agreement, and you reserve your desired package. Coaching sessions must be paid for prior to services beginning. Coaching packages are non-refundable; however, your package can be placed on hold for up to 6 months from the first session. Clients have the option to meet via Zoom or in person (phone for details).
– Identify what creates energy drain and what provides energy gain
– Identify, interrupt, and replace negative mindset
- – Determine needs and values
– Realize your purpose and live it
– Understand what gets in your way and how to rid the “gnats” or “sufferings”
-Inspire possibilities thinking and limit self-limiting beliefs
-Keep moving you forward toward your goals
-Measure your growth and progress
-And more…