I am happily married, I am a proud mom of two daughters, I am wise, and I am a life-long learner and life re-inventor.
Young, I was not aware I could design my life or express needs. I “fell into” my jobs, aligning my education thereafter. I was very satisfied at the time, both professionally and personally. Other than marriage and the joyful changes it brought, I did not experience tough life challenges until childbearing years and then in early midlife. As a new mom after years in my career, I struggled with my new identity. In my early midlife, I was uprooted from family and friends. I learned during these times that to survive and thrive during life’s twists and turns, I had to minimize my fear and overwhelm by making small changes and by being as intentional as possible in making wise choices which enabled me to move forward one step at a time.
Here’s a condensed version of Life 3.0 from uproot forward! My easy, breezy, content life turned upside down when my family relocated to Florida from Illinois for my husband’s new job. Starting over thousands of miles from family, I was scared, angry, and unsure of how to move forward. “Hmm! What now?” It took nearly a year for me to shift my mindset away from what I left behind to what possibilities lie ahead. After much introspection, coaching, and sweat equity, I was able to view this change as positive and chose to redesign my life wholeheartedly and intentionally. Ultimately, my inner strength grew, my fear lessened, and I rediscovered my needs, values, and beliefs.
I have re-invented my career path three times in my lifetime (after becoming a mother, relocating, and aiding elderly parents). My first “do over” began seven years after my first daughter was born: taking classes, working practicum hours, and certifying to teach middle school English. I enjoyed teaching for several years until my next “do over” – private tutor and a caregiver to my dad, who moved in with us after my mom’s sudden passing. In time, it became necessary to transition my dad to a care facility; he now lives in a VA home and is doing well. “Hmm! What now?” My third “do over” germinated almost a year before I moved into action: certifying as a life coach, which required coursework, peer and practice coaching, and testing. God willing, there will not be a fourth “do over” and I can enjoy and grow my coaching practice.
The sum of my life experiences has shaped my growth mindset and has helped me conquer self-created doubt. I moved forward my way, in my time, with one foot in front of the other.
I am energized and excited to ELEVATE you as you begin to REFRAME MINDSET, RENEW SPIRIT, and REGAIN CLARITY. The First Step Today!
“Life is in session; are you present?” John C. Maxwell